Executive Editor
The Executive Editor is responsible for overseeing the general operations of the organization and coordinating projects and initiatives between members of the executive board and general body. Additionally, the Executive Editor must act to ensure that the mission statement and guiding principles of The Issue are upheld and executed properly. The person holding this position will be elected annually and will hold the position for the duration of the academic year; furthermore, final spreads, issue themes and other organizational requirements will be reviewed by the Executive Editor in communication with other executive and general members. In the event of an impeachment, the role of Executive Editor will be filled immediately according to a ⅔ majority vote by the standing executive board.
● Requirements:
○ Must be in residence the entire year of their term.
○ Must have one semester of active membership in The Issue.
○ Must be a student at UW-Madison.
○ Must fill out the application.
○ Has written at least one article for The Issue.
○ Proficiency in InDesign and Notion.
○ Preferred Skills/Experience: Has led a project, group, event or initiative at UW. Knowledge of Illustrator, Photoshop and Canva preferred.
The Online Editor is responsible for overseeing projects and initiatives between members of the executive board and general body. The Online Editor is the primary manager of The Issue UW website and online publications. Additionally, the Online Editor must act to ensure that the mission statement and guiding principles of The Issue are upheld and executed properly. The person holding this position will be elected at the end of each semester and will hold the position for the duration of the following semester; furthermore, final spreads, online issue themes and other organizational requirements will be reviewed by the Online Editor in communication with other executive and general members. In the event of an impeachment, the role of Online Editor will be filled immediately according to a ⅔ majority vote by the standing executive board.
○ Must adhere to the executive board attendance policy.
○ Maintain theissueuw.com, including incoming submissions and uploading content weekly.
○ Support Executive Board members in their roles, meet monthly with each member of the executive board and sanction weekly check-ins between members.
○ Oversee and Edit content submitted to The Issue including but limited to Online articles, Social Media Posts, Marketing Materials and Print Issues.
○ Must have one semester of active membership in The Issue.
○ Must be a student at UW-Madison.
○ Must fill out the application.
○ Has written at least one article for The Issue.
○ Proficiency in Wix and article editing is required.
Preferred Skills/Experience:
■ Has led a project, group, event or initiative at UW.
■ Knowledge of Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Canva preferred.
Deputy Executive Editor
The primary role of the Deputy Executive Editor is to shadow and support the Executive Editor in their role in order to ensure continuation of operations to the next semester. The Deputy Executive Editor is responsible for overseeing the general operations of the organization and coordinating projects and initiatives between members of the executive board and general body. Additionally, the Deputy Executive Editor must act to ensure that the mission statement and guiding principles of The Issue are upheld and executed properly. The person holding this position will be elected annually and will hold the position for the duration of the academic year; furthermore, final spreads, issue themes and other organizational requirements will be reviewed by the Deputy Executive Editor in communication with other executive and general members. In the event of an impeachment, the role of Deputy Executive Editor will be filled immediately according to a ⅔ majority vote by the standing executive board.
○ Must be in residence the entire year of their term.
○ Must have four or more semesters in residence remaining until graduation at the time of appointment.
○ Must have one semester of active membership in The Issue.
○ Must be a student at UW-Madison.
○ Must fill out the application.
○ Has written at least one article for The Issue.
○ Proficiency in InDesign and Notion.
Preferred Skills/Experience:
Has led a project, group, event or initiative at UW.
Knowledge of Illustrator, Photoshop and Canva preferred.
The Visual Arts Director is responsible for corresponding and overseeing the visual branding of The Issue UW including content and marketing materials for events and programming. The Visual Arts Director will oversee visual art submissions to The Issue Magazine, they will work closely with the Executive Editors and general body members to create spreads and graphics for online and print editions of The Issue Magazine. This person will have a strong grasp of online programs for art direction and production as well as a substantive ability to lead and aid cohesive brand identity; furthermore, the role must allow for due creative freedom and personal initiative within the sphere of all arts direction. As with other leadership positions, the Visual Arts Director will implement grassroots leadership strategies to ensure brand cohesion and team morale.
○ Must have one semester of active membership in The Issue.
○ Must be a student at UW-Madison.
○ Must fill out the application.
○ Has created one spread or photo essay for The Issue.
○ Proficiency in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Canva are required.
○ Preferred Skills/Experience:
■ Has led a project, group, event or initiative at UW.
● Responsibilities:
○ Must adhere to the executive board attendance policy.
○ Work with the executive editors to create the final spread for The Issue Magazine. Support general body members by connecting writers, photographers and graphic artists to create spreads.
○ Create visual art, marketing materials and graphics for The Issue included but not limited to spreads, graphics, infographics and posters.
The Financial Director will oversee The Issue’s monetary donations, charity flows and other forms of capital, as well as its allocation for events, shoots and production materials. The Financial Director will formulate a comprehensive budget at the beginning of their term from references of past budgets as well as an analysis of potential charitable donations. The Financial Director will work closely with the executive board and other general members to better grasp and understand where capital flows are most needed and pertinent. The Financial Director will oversee all transactions made from and into bank accounts under purview of The Issue as well as member donations and charitable donations. Misappropriation of funds is liable for immediate expulsion from duties and subsequent impeachment. A strong grasp of mathematics, organization, spreadsheets and other financial tools must be present in the person who occupies the role of Financial Director.
○ Must be a student at UW-Madison.
○ Must fill out the application.
○ Proficiency in Google Sheets, Excel or another budgeting tool is required.
○ Preferred Skills/Experience:
■ Studies finance, business or has experience with finances.
● Responsibilities:
○ Must adhere to the executive board attendance policy.
○ Work with the executive editors to create the annual Operations Budget for The Issue. Support general body members and executive board in obtaining materials by accessing the operations budget throughout the year.
○ Maintain the annual budget for The Issue, as well as project budgets as needed.
○ Oversees travel, event and project grant applications.
The Events Director position will be held jointly by two members and will oversee all events (in-person and online) and collaborative initiatives for The Issue. They will work closely with the executive board and other members to facilitate and support the creation of events as well as team-building exercises. The Events Director is required to form events for each semester, such as launch parties, charity auctions, fashion shows, art galleries, clothing swaps et cetera. Like all other leadership roles, grassroots strategies must be employed. The Events Director must have a strong grasp of organizational skills, team-building, creativity and timeliness of deliverables in order to fulfill their role to its fullest.
○ Must be a student in residence at UW-Madison.
○ Must fill out the application.
○ Proficiency in grant applications and event planning.
○ Preferred Skills/Experience:
■ Has supported or led an event at UW.
● Responsibilities:
○ Must adhere to the executive board attendance policy. Should be present at all events.
○ Work with the executive editors to orchestrate annual events such as the Playmarket and Student Designer Fashion Show. Support general body members and executive board in execution of smaller events such as model calls and workshops throughout the year.
○ Work collaboratively to apply for sponsorships and collaborations throughout the year.
The Diversity & Inclusion Director position will be held jointly by two members and will work to facilitate and uphold the tenets present within The Issue mission statement. The people holding these positions must have a strong grasp of inclusion tactics and techniques as well as a high competency in conflict resolution and communication. As with all other executive members, the Diversity & Inclusion Director will implement grassroots leadership strategies and will work closely with all executive members and general members respectively.
○ Must be a student in residence at UW-Madison.
○ Must fill out the application.
Preferred Skills/Experience:
■ Has leadership and/or organization experience.
● Responsibilities:
○ Must adhere to the executive board attendance policy. Should be present at all events.
○ Work with the executive editor to carry out quarterly reviews and elections. ○ Check-in weekly with members of the executive board and general body, auditing the organization for optimal inclusivity and providing feedback to leadership.
○ Oversees submitted content to assure that all published content aligns with the values and mission of The Issue.
The Outreach Director will be responsible for recruitment, collaboration and sponsorships within The Issue. The Outreach Director will work to promote the organization, facilitate the admission of new general body members, coordinate sponsorships with local and national businesses as well as collaborations with other student organizations and departments at UW. Like all other leadership positions, the New Member Recruitment Director will implement grassroots leadership strategies and possess charismatic leadership skills. The New Member Recruitment Director will orient new members and should possess a strong grasp of organizational skills and event planning.
○ Must be a student in residence at UW-Madison.
○ Must fill out the application.
Preferred Skills/Experience:
■ Has leadership and/or organization experience.
○ Must adhere to the executive board attendance policy.
○ Will coordinate The Issue’s booth at the organization fair, as well as tabling events throughout the semester.
○ Will coordinate collaborative events and projects outside of the
The Social Media Director will be responsible for managing the social media for The Issue.
○ Must be a student in residence at UW-Madison.
○ Must fill out the application.
Preferred Skills/Experience:
■ Has leadership and/or organization experience.
○ Must adhere to the executive board attendance policy.
○ Will coordinate The Issue’s booth at the organization fair, as well as tabling events throughout the semester.
○ Will coordinate collaborative events and projects outside of the
The Sustainability Chair will ensure that all events, printed issues, and partnerships are sustainable in every possible aspect. This chair position will implement best practices and standards for sustainability in every aspect of the issue’s activities and will look for details that we as a whole team often overlook in order to enhance The Issue’s reputation as a leader in sustainability, aligning with our progressive values.
“Letter from sustainability chair” each print order
Discussion about what and which sustainable implementations went into each specific print issue
Details and brief highlights of large or local sustainability issues
The Sustainability Chair will propose and curate articles and events focused on sustainability throughout interdisciplinary fields.
This position will research and highlight innovative and impactful sustainability stories on larger or smaller scales.
Will utilize connections with sustainability professionals ie. interviews, new sustainability chances, panel discussions/webinars
On-time, edited, and reviewed “Letter from sustainability chair”
Interested and driven to learn about sustainability and its objective within the organization
1 article per print issue
Must be able to cite and quote sources effectively and include a proper bibliography with each written article
Must be a UW-Madison student
Must go through the Executive board voting process
Must go through the application process
Must adhere to The Issue’s attendance policy
The Secretary(s) will be sure to attend each executive board and general body meeting weekly. They will be asked to take detailed notes of each meeting so as to easily share this information throughout the organization or elsewhere at any time. This position will help maintain organization internally within the club in terms of files, emails, our GoogleDrive and any other forms of communication that occurs within the organization.
Attend every general body and executive board meeting (can be split if position is shared with more than one individual)
Take detailed meeting notes
Facilitate organizational methods within the club
Must have an effective method of taking notes fast paced
Must have a personal computer or tablet for digital organizational and communication needs
Must be a UW-Madison student
Must go through the Executive Board voting process
Must go through the application process
Must adhere to The Issue’s attendance policy